J. Michael Robbins,
Independent Contractor
Phone: (803) 873-4085
Email: jmr101@outlook.com


About Robbins Instructional Service

Robbins Instructional Services was founded in 1991 in Jacksonville, FL when Michael Robbins began teaching private drum lessons to local middle and high school students while he was a music-major in college. Upon graduation, Michael began a full-time music specialist position within the Florida Public School System while continuing to maintain private percussion students along with a free-lance performance schedule.

In 1995, Michael had the opportunity to accept an enrollment services position at the local university. He has enjoyed a public service career ever since, including various roles in higher education, human resources, and workforce development.

One thing has never changed…Michael’s abiding love for music and the sharing of this joy with students and various audiences both small and large.

As Johann Sebastian Bach used to sign his musical manuscripts and scores, “Soli Deo Gloria”, so Michael shares his musical lessons and performances for the same reason.